Section 11.25.050. Voucher for resource inducements.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  To request an inducement voucher under AS 43.90.330, a person must apply for an inducement voucher on a form provided by the commissioners. No later than 30 days after notice is received, the applicant must provide other documents and information requested by the commissioners to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements of AS 43.90  and 11 AAC 25.020. Upon receipt of the application and other documents and information, the commissioners will make a joint determination on an application for an inducement voucher, and will issue an inducement voucher if the application is approved.  
    	(b)  To transfer an inducement voucher issued under (a) of this section, the holder of the voucher and the proposed transferee must file a joint application on a form provided by the commissioners. The joint application must include a copy of a binding contract between the holder and the proposed transferee for the sale and purchase of North Slope gas produced from a lease. No later than 30 days after notice is received, the applicants must provide other documents and information requested by the commissioners to determine whether to approve the transfer under AS 43.90.330 and 11 AAC 25.020. Upon receipt of the application and other documents and information, the commissioners will make a joint determination on the application, and will issue proof of transfer if the application is approved. A transfer is limited in time and quantity as set out in AS 43.90.330(c).  




AS 38.05.020 AS 38.05.180 AS 43.90.310 AS 43.90.330 AS 43.90.410
Eff. 5/29/2010, Register 194