Section 11.53.230. Final plat standards.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  All final plats must conform to the general plat standards stated in sec. 210 of this chapter, and in addition must  
    		(1) have the notary's seal and surveyor's seal properly affixed;  
    		(2) be presented to the division with the original or a good quality reproducible mylar with five blackline prints;  
    		(3) have the original or reproducible and all prints with all original signatures in all of the required places and in black ink only; and  
    		(4) after final approval by the division and by a municipal platting authority, if applicable, be submitted to the district recorder's office for the recording district within which the land surveyed lies, for official filing; if the land surveyed lies in more than one recording district, the plat must be submitted to each for filing.  
    	(b)  After filing, the official filing data must be affixed to the plat bearing original signatures, and becomes a part of it. The division will retain the plat bearing original signatures and official filing data. It will send a duplicate original to the municipal platting authority having jurisdiction.  





11 AAC 53.730
AS 08.48.221 AS 38.04.045 AS 38.04.900 AS 38.05.020 AS 40.15.010
Eff. 3/27/80, Register 73