Section 11.53.260. Amended plat.  

Latest version.
  • If a technical error is detected on an officially filed plat, and if the commissioner determines that the error's correction will not adversely affect any valid existing right, the following correction procedure may be used in place of the replat procedure of 11 AAC 53.730:  
    		(1) immediately above the title block on the original filed plat, the statement "Amended Plat" must be placed in bold letters;  
    		(2) repealed 7/5/2001;  
    		(3) the following separate certification must be prepared and presented with the original amended plat to the appropriate district recorder's office for filing:  
    Name of plat, subdivision:  ............  
    The above-referenced subdivision plat as filed in the  .................... recording office under plat file number  ...... has been revised as follows:  
    The above revision constitutes the sole change made to the plat aside from the notation above the title block on the plat. The above revision does not affect any valid existing rights. I am therefore submitting this plat for refiling as corrected.  
    Date  .................... Registration Number  ............  
    	(surveyor's seal)  
    	(signature in black ink)  
    Registered Land Surveyor  
    		(4) a true and certified blueline copy of the filed amended plat and a copy of the recorded certification must be submitted to the department within 14 days after filing and recording. The copy of the certification must be made by a mechanical reproduction process that produces a permanent copy.  





11 AAC 53.660
AS 38.04.045 AS 38.04.900 AS 38.05.020 AS 40.15.305 AS 40.15.370
Eff. 3/27/80, Register 73; am 7/5/2001, Register 159