Section 11.53.630. Legal access.  

Latest version.
  • A plat will not be approved under AS 40.15.305 unless the  
    		(1) plat clearly shows how access is provided to the subdivision and to each lot within the subdivision;  
    		(2) subdivider provides to the department documentation verifying the existence of public access rights from the subdivision to a road system, public airport, or navigable water body; documentation must be in the form of a plat of record, recorded easement, or reservation; if documentation does not exist, the subdivider may provide documentation that demonstrates that a provision of state or federal law otherwise provides public access rights to the subdivision; and  
    		(3) subdivider obtains written comments regarding utility easements within the subdivision from utility companies that serve the subdivision.  





11 AAC 53.620
AS 40.15.300 AS 40.15.330 AS 40.15.370
Eff. 7/5/2001, Register 159