Section 11.53.710. Notes.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Except as provided in (b) of this section, the following notes must be shown on the plat as applicable:  
    		(1) "The error of closure of this survey does not exceed 1:5000."  
    		(2) "All bearings shown are true bearings as oriented to the basis of bearing and the distances shown are reduced to horizontal field distances."  
    		(3) "The natural meanders of ordinary high water [or mean high water line, as applicable] form the true bounds of [parcel name]. The approximate line of ordinary high water [or mean high water], as shown, is for area computations only, the true corners being on the extension of the sidelines and their intersection with the natural meanders."  
    		(4) "Restrictive covenants were recorded on [date] in book [number], page [number], [name] Recording District."   
    	(b)  For plats based on a Global Positioning System (GPS) survey, the department's standard GPS note, available on a form provided by the department, must be shown instead of the note set out in (a)(2) of this section. That form, revised as of June 6, 2000, is adopted by reference.  




AS 40.15.330 AS 40.15.370 Editor's note: The address for requesting the form adopted by reference in 11 AAC 53.710 is: Statewide Platting Supervisor, Department of Natural Resources, 550 W. 7th Ave., Suite 650, Anchorage, AK 99501-3576. Forms may also be obtained from the department's website at borough/.
Eff. 7/5/2001, Register 159

