Section 11.65.050. Permit decision.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department will issue and renew an applicant's cabin permit if the director finds in writing that the application is for a cabin that complies with AS 38.04.035(4) and does not conflict with the public interest criteria as described in (b) of this section.  
    	(b)  No permit will be issued for a cabin on state land  
    		(1) where a subdivision or agricultural sale has occurred or is anticipated or scheduled during the term of the permit;  
    		(2) where homesteads are proposed for future disposal, unless the disposal is not anticipated within the term of the permit;  
    		(3) if the land has been selected under the authority of the Municipal Entitlement Act, AS 29.18;  
    		(4) in state park units, land managed under an interagency land management agreement, land classified as reserved use, or where the issuance of a permit would interfere with significant public recreational use;  
    		(5) that is shoreland, submerged land, or tideland;  
    		(6) that serves an important ecological function, or is especially sensitive to human disturbance, as determined by the department;  
    		(7) located close to a center of population;  
    		(8) where material extraction, timber sales, mining, or intensive recreational facility development is scheduled or anticipated during the term of the permit;  
    		(9) overlying a mining location or mineral lease if the department determines that a cabin may interfere with development of the mining location or mineral lease during the term of the permit;  
    		(10) under application or proposed for a public facility or highway right-of-way unless it is clear that the intended use will not occur during the term of the permit;  
    		(11) for which a Native allotment application is on record with the Bureau of Land Management, or on land validly selected under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act;  
    		(12) accessible by road within legislatively designated state game refuge or critical habitat area;  
    		(13) in a legislatively designated state game sanctuary;  
    		(14) where the cabin is used as a permanent residence; or  
    		(15) if the department determines that the proposed use may more appropriately be allowed under another chapter of this title.  





11 AAC 65.040
AS 38.04.035 AS 38.04.900 AS 38.05.020 AS 41.21.020
Eff. 12/16/84, Register 92