Section 11.67.845. Access.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Each remote recreational cabin site staked under 11 AAC 67.815(c) is subject to an access and utility easement 15 feet wide, or as required by the platting authority, along each boundary.  
    	(b)  Before completion of the survey, a lessee has the right of reasonable access across other unsurveyed remote recreational cabin sites. However, the department will not approve construction of an access road or installation of a utility on a route that crosses or may cross another remote recreational cabin site until the access or utility easement is shown on the survey plat.  
    	(c)  Before completion of the survey, the department will reserve an additional access or utility easement across a remote recreational cabin site, if a lessee or landowner shows to the department's satisfaction that the easement is necessary to provide access to that person's parcel and that access is not feasible via boundary-line easements, easements reserved along existing trails, easements reserved to and along navigable or public waters, section-line easements, and other easements of record or existing by operation of law. An additional access or utility easement will not be reserved without approval of the route of the easement by the lessee whose parcel is to be crossed. However, the lessee's approval may not deny access or operate to deny access. A lessee may not block access along an existing trail.  




AS 38.04.050 AS 38.04.055 AS 38.05.020 AS 38.05.035 AS 38.05.127 AS 38.05.600
Eff. 2/9/2001, Register 157