Section 11.71.205. Amendments to contract.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A timber or material sale contract may, upon approval of the director, be amended to include at the same unit price additional timber or material in the sale area or in an area adjacent to, or in the immediate vicinity of, the sale area if the amount of timber or material to be included in the amended contract does not exceed 25 percent of the volume provided for in the contract before amendment and if  
    		(1) the volume of timber or material estimated to be in the sale area by the division was grossly in error; or  
    		(2) timber in the sale area has been blown down or infested with insect or disease and prompt harvest is in the interest of full and efficient utilization.  
    	(b)  Amendments to the contract will be made in writing and become part of the contract upon mutual agreement of the director and purchaser. However, an amendment under this subsection may not materially affect or change the meaning or intent of the contract.  





11 AAC 71.200
AS 38.05.020 AS 38.05.110 AS 38.05.115 AS 38.05.120
Eff. 7/20/60, Register 1; am 6/24/62, Register 5; am 7/2/82, Register 83