Section 11.84.730. Noncompetitive geothermal prospecting permits.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The commissioner will, in his discretion, issue a noncompetitive geothermal prospecting permit for an initial two-year term to a person exercising a preference right under AS 38.05.181(a), and to a person who submits an application for a tract subject to a call for applications, if the tract is not designated for disposal by competitive lease.  
    	(b)  The commissioner will, in his discretion, renew a geothermal prospecting permit issued under this section once for a one-year term, if he finds that the permittee has been unable, despite the exercise of reasonable diligence, to show a discovery of geothermal resources in commercial quantities. In this subsection, "reasonable diligence" means the performance of at least $50 per acre worth of drilling, geological, geochemical, or geophysical work on the permit area for the benefit of the permit area during the initial two-year term.  
    	(c)  An application for geothermal prospecting permit renewal under (b) of this section must be submitted no later than 60 days preceding the date on which the geothermal prospecting permit would otherwise expire and must be accompanied by a copy of all geothermal survey data obtained from the lands under permit. The data must include pertinent tests, records, data surveys, and analyses.  
    	(d)  If the application for renewal of geothermal prospecting permit meets the conditions of (b) and (c) of this section, the commissioner will issue the renewal of the permit after receipt of rental fees at the rate of $3 per acre of the permit area for the one year.  





11 AAC 84.720
AS 38.05.020 AS 38.05.035 AS 38.05.145 AS 38.05.181
Eff. 8/22/82, Register 83