Article 11.86.1. General Provisions.

Section 11.86.100. Applicability.
Section 11.86.105. Discovery defined.
Section 11.86.106. Deferral of rent for annual rental year beginning September 1, 1989(Repealed).
Section 11.86.107. Payments and refunds.
Section 11.86.108. Notices.
Section 11.86.110. Existing mining claims, federal leases and permits.
Section 11.86.115. Locations on state-selected land.
Section 11.86.120. Conditional mining leases and locations(Repealed).
Section 11.86.125. Failure to comply.
Section 11.86.130. Filing and recording(Repealed).
Section 11.86.135. Mineral deposits open to location.
Section 11.86.140. Drawing of prior existing locations.
Section 11.86.145. Surface use.
Section 11.86.150. Plan of operations instead of land use permit.
Section 11.86.155. Sale, lease, or other transfer.
Section 11.86.200. Discovery required.
Section 11.86.202. MTRSC and traditional mining claims and leasehold locations.
Section 11.86.205. Marking locations.
Section 11.86.210. Attaching location notice.
Section 11.86.215. Certificate of location and first rental payment.
Section 11.86.220. Annual labor.
Section 11.86.221. Annual rental.
Section 11.86.223. Abandonment, relinquishment, and relocation.
Section 11.86.225. Service of notice on co-owners.
Section 11.86.230. Recordation of sale, lease, or other transfer(Repealed).
Section 11.86.250. General principles for conversion of a traditional location to a converted MTRSC location.
Section 11.86.255. Certificate of location for a converted MTRSC location.
Section 11.86.260. Rental age of a converted location.
Section 11.86.265. Credit or deficiency in payment of rental on a converted location.
Section 11.86.270. Labor obligation on a converted location.
Section 11.86.290. Definitions.
Section 11.86.300. Preference right by leasehold location.
Section 11.86.305. Applications for lease.
Section 11.86.308. Rental(Repealed).
Section 11.86.309. Showing of discovery.
Section 11.86.310. Bond(Repealed).
Section 11.86.311. Survey of exterior boundary.
Section 11.86.312. Lease duration.
Section 11.86.313. Annual rental.
Section 11.86.314. Annual labor(Repealed).
Section 11.86.315. Termination(Repealed).
Section 11.86.320. Relinquishment(Repealed).
Section 11.86.321. Surrender.
Section 11.86.325. Transfers(Repealed).
Section 11.86.350. Termination of lease and reissuance.
Section 11.86.400. Purpose and rights acquired.
Section 11.86.405. Boundaries and corners.
Section 11.86.410. Prospecting site location notice and certificate of location.
Section 11.86.415. Recordation of sale, lease, or other transfer(Repealed).
Section 11.86.420. Duration(Repealed).
Section 11.86.422. Term and rental.
Section 11.86.425. Prospecting work.
Section 11.86.430. Prospecting sites located before August 20, 2000.
Section 11.86.435. Staking claims on expired sites.
Section 11.86.500. Permit applications.
Section 11.86.505. Effective date.
Section 11.86.510. Acceptable permit work.
Section 11.86.515. Compliance with permit rental requirement.
Section 11.86.520. Grouping of permits.
Section 11.86.525. Failure to comply(Repealed).
Section 11.86.528. Permit extension.
Section 11.86.530. Conversion of an offshore prospecting permit to a mining lease.
Section 11.86.532. Duration of "grandfather rights" leases.
Section 11.86.535. Survey.
Section 11.86.540. Lease rental(Repealed).
Section 11.86.541. Offshore mining lease rental.
Section 11.86.545. Leases granted by competitive bidding.
Section 11.86.550. Bond(Repealed).
Section 11.86.555. Termination(Repealed).
Section 11.86.560. Relinquishment(Repealed).
Section 11.86.561. Surrender.
Section 11.86.565. Land in terminated permits and leases.
Section 11.86.570. Transfers(Repealed).
Section 11.86.575. Production and lease extension.
Section 11.86.580. Suspension.
Section 11.86.600. Millsite permit.
Section 11.86.700. Applications for production licenses(Repealed).
Section 11.86.705. Application review(Repealed).
Section 11.86.710. Public notice(Repealed).
Section 11.86.715. Review after public notice(Repealed).
Section 11.86.720. Commissioner's determination to adjudicate(Repealed).
Section 11.86.725. Adjudication by commissioner(Repealed).
Section 11.86.730. No adjudication by commissioner(Repealed).
Section 11.86.735. Interim mining(Repealed).
Section 11.86.740. Transfer of a production license(Repealed).
Section 11.86.745. Expiration of a production license(Repealed).
Section 11.86.750. Definitions(Repealed).
Section 11.86.760. Production royalty.
Section 11.86.763. Holder defined.
Section 11.86.766. Segregation.
Section 11.86.769. Production royalty payments and returns.
Section 11.86.772. Interest on unpaid royalties; deficient payments.
Section 11.86.775. Books and records.
Section 11.86.776. Confidentiality.
Section 11.86.778. Contesting notice of deficiency.
Section 11.86.781. Informal conferences.
Section 11.86.784. Formal hearings.
Section 11.86.787. Appeals.
Section 11.86.790. Abandonment; suit to collect payment.
Section 11.86.793. Relocation.
Section 11.86.796. Definitions.
Section 11.86.800. Plan of operations.
Section 11.86.805. Bond.
Section 11.86.810. Suspension and termination.
Section 11.86.815. Transfers.