Section 11.89.030. Inspection; report.  

Latest version.
  • If the applicant accepts the grant of a credit, the applicant shall  
    		(1) permit the department to verify the data required by AS 41.09.010(c) by allowing a department representative to  
    			(A) be on-site for drilling, coring, and testing;  
    			(B) examine core after sampling.  
    		(2) inspect the area of operation after the completion of operations covered by the credit for non-compliance with the plan submitted under 11 AAC 89.017; and  
    		(3) submit a report to the department on the results of the inspection conducted under this section; the report shall include the completion date and indicate any non-compliances with the plan approved by the department.  




AS 41.09.010 AS 41.09.020
Eff. 9/22/95, Register 135