Section 11.93.115. Closure of an application for a water right.  

Latest version.
  • A pending water right application and the department's application file will, in the commissioner's discretion, be closed if  
    		(1) the applicant informs the commissioner, in writing, or by filing a notice of relinquishment, that the applicant has abandoned plans to develop the water source or use, in which case the application will, in his or her discretion, be closed by the commissioner without further correspondence with the applicant;  
    		(2) the applicant informs the commissioner orally that the applicant has abandoned plans to develop the water source and use, in which case the applicant will be notified in writing that the application is closed as a consequence of the oral notice;  
    		(3) the commissioner is unable to locate the applicant by certified mail at the address on file in order to adjudicate the application, in which case the application will, in the commissioner's discretion, be closed without further correspondence by the commissioner with the applicant; or  
    		(4) the applicant fails to provide information requested under 11 AAC 93.070 or fails to complete the newspaper notice of the proposed appropriation, in which case the applicant will be notified by certified mail that the application has been closed, noting the reason for the closure, the effective date of the closure, and any appeal process.  




AS 46.15.020 AS 46.15.133
Eff. 11/7/90, Register 116