Section 11.95.190. Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The provisions of this chapter apply to an operation on state land, other public land, or private forest land if all of the following criteria are met:  
    		(1) the operation is on forest land as defined in AS 41.17.950;  
    		(2) the operation involves any of the following activities:  
    			(A) harvesting, including felling, bucking, yarding, decking, hauling, log dumping, log transfer, log rafting, and related road construction, reconstruction, improvement, or maintenance;  
    			(B) road construction or reconstruction, material source development, and, maintenance of an existing road or bridge not within the operation area, but connected with, the harvesting operation;  
    			(C) site preparation;  
    			(D) precommercial thinning;  
    			(E) slash treatment; or  
    			(F) any other activity leading to, or connected with commercial timber harvest; and  
    		(3) a commercial operation that intersects, encompasses, or borders on surface waters or a riparian area, or that, for a single landowner or operator, equals or exceeds in the aggregate the following acreage:  
    			(A) 10 acres in Region I;  
    			(B) 40 acres in Region II; or  
    			(C) 40 acres in Region III for landowners who own more than 160 acres in total; if a landowner has a total ownership of 160 acres or less, then an operation on any of that 160 acres or less is not a commercial forest operation.  
    	(b)  A land use conversion involving a commercial forest operation that meets the criteria in (a) of this section must meet the requirements of 11 AAC 95.200.  




AS 41.17.010 AS 41.17.055 AS 41.17.080 AS 41.17.098 AS 41.17.900 Editor's note: Operations in waters containing fish may be subject to laws and regulations governing fish in AS 16 and 5 AAC.
Eff. 6/10/93, Register 126

