Section 11.95.255. Corrective action.

Latest version.
  • On private forest land, state forest land, and other public land as defined in AS 41.17.950, if an operation is resulting, or is likely to result, in a degradation of water quality, notwithstanding compliance with the best management practices established in this chapter, the state forester, with due deference to the Department of Environmental Conservation, will direct the operator, forest landowner, or timber owner to correct the degradation through the use of a directive or stop work order as provided for under AS 41.17.136 and 41.17.138. Failure to comply with a directive or stop work order issued under this section shall subject the violator to a penalty under AS 41.17.131.  




AS 41.17.010 AS 41.17.055 AS 41.17.080 AS 41.17.098
Eff. 6/10/93, Register 126