Section 11.95.345. Landing location, construction, and operation.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A landing must be located, constructed, and operated in a manner that  
    		(1) avoids surface and standing waters, except when frozen;  
    		(2) minimizes the use of marshes and non-forested muskegs, except when frozen;  
    		(3) prevents logs and vegetative debris from entering surface and standing waters; and  
    		(4) minimizes the sedimentation of surface and standing waters.  
    	(b)  An operator shall locate and construct a landing according to the following standards:  
    		(1) when choosing the site of a landing, an operator shall consider the effects of the landing location and provide for a logging layout that will reduce the overall adverse effects of the operation;  
    		(2) the design of a landing must minimize the need for sidecasting or fill;  
    		(3) a landing must be no larger than necessary for safe operation of the equipment and decking of logs;  
    		(4) where slopes have a grade greater than 67 percent or are unstable, fill material used in construction of a landing must be free from loose stumps and excessive accumulations of slash, and must be mechanically compacted in layers if necessary to prevent soil erosion and mass wasting;  
    		(5) a truck road, a skid trail, or a fire trail must be outsloped or cross drained uphill of the landing and the water diverted onto the forest floor away from the toe of any landing fill;  
    		(6) a landing must be sloped, water barred, ditched or otherwise constructed and maintained to minimize accumulation of water on the landing; and  
    		(7) any excavated material from the construction of a landing may not be placed where it is likely to result in degradation of surface water quality.  
    	(c)  Slash may not be buried in any portion of a landing during landing cleanup operations.  
    	(d)  For purposes of this chapter, a helicopter drop zone is considered a landing.  




AS 41.17.010 AS 41.17.055 AS 41.17.080
Eff. 6/10/93, Register 126; am 6/8/2007, Register 182; am 9/25/2013, Register 207