Section 12.12.830. Motions.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  To make a motion or submit a memorandum, the aggrieved person or the department must file the motion or memorandum in writing with the hearing officer and provide a copy to the opposing party. The filing of a motion or memorandum with the hearing officer is subject to the requirements of 12 AAC 12.855, as applicable. The filing must include signed proof that a copy was provided to the opposing party, identifying the motion or memorandum provided, and setting out the date and the method by which the copy was provided. A copy to the opposing party may be provided by personal delivery, first class mail, or facsimile transmission, A copy provided by electronic mail shall not be considered to have been provided in accordance with this subsection.  
    	(b)  A written motion is subject to opposition and reply memoranda,  
    		(1) except as otherwise set out in 12 AAC 12.800 - 12 AAC 12.855;  
    		(2) unless the aggrieved person and the department, with the hearing officer's approval, stipulate otherwise; or  
    		(3) unless the commissioner or hearing officer order otherwise.  
    	(c)  Unless the commissioner or hearing officer orders a different schedule for the filing of memoranda, and except as provided in (d) of this section,  
    		(1) an opposition memorandum may be filed with the hearing officer no later than 10 days after the date the motion was provided to the opposing party; and  
    		(2) a reply memorandum may be filed with the hearing officer no later than three business days after the date the opposition memorandum was provided to the opposing party.  
    	(d)  If a motion or memorandum is provided to the opposing party by first class mail, three days shall be added to the time for filing an opposition or reply memorandum.  





12 AAC 12.845
AS 43.70.075 AS 43.70.090
Eff. 6/27/2004, Register 170