Section 12.21.043. Dissolution or cessation of business activities.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A registered contractor that dissolves or ceases to do business must file a written notice of the change with the department within 15 days of the dissolution or cessation of business activity. The written notice must be filed by the following:  
    		(1) if a sole proprietorship, the sole proprietor;  
    		(2) if a partnership, at least one of the former partners;  
    		(3) if a limited liability company, at least one of the former managing partners;  
    		(4) if a corporation, at least one of the former corporate officers.  
    	(b)  A notice filed under (a) of this section does not meet the requirement for a notarized statement under AS 08.18.115. However, a notarized statement filed under AS 08.18.115 will meet the requirement of (a) of this section.   




AS 08.01.080 AS 08.18.021 AS 08.18.051
Eff. 1/21/2004, Register 169