Section 12.21.665. Contact hours.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  For successful completion of an approved continuing competency activity, the department will award the following contact hours:  
    		(1) one contact hour for each consecutive 50-minute block of classroom instruction;  
    		(2) 15 contact hours for one academic semester credit;  
    		(3) ten contact hours for one academic quarter credit;  
    		(4) for a correspondence course, the number of contact hours  
    			(A) recommended by the organization submitting the information required by 12 AAC 21.660(c)(1)-(7) if the course is approved under 12 AAC 21.660(b); or  
    			(B) approved by the department if the course is approved under 12 AAC 21.660(c);  
    		(5) 16 contact hours for successfully passing the examination under AS 08.18.025(b)(2);  
    		(6) notwithstanding (1)-(4) of this subsection, no more than two contact hours for successful completion of a first aid or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) class for a licensing period that begins after January 1, 2003.  
    	(b)  The department will award a residential endorsement holder contact hours for completion of  
    		(1) one new home per licensing period for a licensing period that begins before January 1, 2003, if the home is assigned an energy rating of "four-star" or higher by an energy rater certificated under and using the Energy Rated Homes of Alaska program established under 15 AAC 155.510 - 15 AAC 155.560; the department will award contact hours under this paragraph as follows:  
    			(A) for a "four-star" home, four contact hours;  
    			(B) for a "four-star plus" home, eight contact hours;  
    			(C) for a "five-star" home, ten contact hours;  
    			(D) for a "five-star plus" home, twelve contact hours;  
    		(2) one new home per licensing period for a licensing period that begins after January 1, 2003, if the home is assigned an energy rating of "four-star plus" or higher by an energy rater certificated under and using the Energy Rated Homes of Alaska program established under 15 AAC 155.510 - 15 AAC 155.560; the department will award contact hours under this paragraph as follows:  
    			(A) for a "four-star plus" home, four contact hours;  
    			(B) for a "five-star" home, six contact hours;  
    			(C) for a "five-star plus" home, eight contact hours; or  
    		(3) one remodel of an existing home per licensing period, if the remodel increases, by at least a half star, the energy rating assigned to the home by an energy rater certificated under and using the Energy Rated Homes of Alaska program established under 15 AAC 155.510 - 15 AAC 155.560; the department will award one contact hour for each half-star rating increase obtained on a remodel.  
    	(c)  For the first time preparation and presentation of a residential construction course, seminar, or workshop, as described in 12 AAC 21.663(4) and approved under 12 AAC 21.660(b) or (c), the department will award one and one-half times the contact hours approved for students in the course, up to a maximum of 16 contact hours.  
    	(d)  The department will not award contact hours to a licensee for the same activity more than once during a licensing period.  
    	(e)  Contact hours used to satisfy the reinstatement requirements of AS 08.18.025(c) when an endorsement has lapsed may not be submitted again to satisfy the requirements for a future renewal.   





12 AAC 21.663
AS 08.01.080 AS 08.18.025
Eff. 10/15/2000, Register 156