Section 12.36.062. Eligibility for fundamentals of engineering examination.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  For board approval of an application made on or before June 30, 2010, an applicant's education and experience must meet the requirements of this subsection. To be eligible for the fundamentals of engineering examination, an applicant must  
    		(1) have successfully completed at least 75 percent of the required credit hours leading to an undergraduate degree in an engineering curriculum accredited by ABET; the completed credit hours must be documented by the applicant's educational institution; or  
    		(2) submit to the board satisfactory evidence that the applicant's education or work experience or both are equivalent to the requirements set out in the following table of education and experience requirements for the fundamentals of engineering examination; acceptable experience must be derived from office or field work involving the activities listed in the definition of the "practice of engineering" in AS 08.48.341 or other work experience that meets the requirements in 12 AAC 36.063:  
                                                            Minimum     Years of
                                           Equivalent        Work       Education
    Description of                          Education     Experience       and
    Training                                in Years       in Years    Work
    ABET accredited B.S. degree in
    engineering                                 4              0            4
    ABET accredited B.S. degree in
    engineering technology in a branch
    of engineering listed in 12 AAC
    36.990(17)                                  3              1            4
    Master's degree in engineering
    acceptable to the board in a
    branch of engineering identical or
    substantially similar to a branch
    listed in 12 AAC 36.990(17)                 4              0            4
    Doctorate degree in engineering
    acceptable to the board in a
    branch of engineering identical or
    substantially similar to a branch
    listed in 12 AAC 36.990(17)                 4              0            4
    Non-ABET accredited B.S. degree in
    engineering                                 3              1            4
    Course work in ABET accredited
    engineering degree curriculum - no
    degree (course work must include a
    minimum of three years of credit
    hours in an engineering curriculum)         2              3            5
    	(b)  Education and work experience may not be accumulated concurrently. A maximum of 12 months' credit may be claimed for a calendar year.  
    	(c)  Repealed 10/29/2009.  
    	(d)  For board approval of an application made on or after July 1, 2010, an applicant's education and experience must meet the requirements of this subsection. To be eligible for the fundamentals of engineering examination, an applicant must have successfully completed at least 75 percent of the required credit hours, documented by the applicant's educational institution, leading to one of the following degrees:  
    		(1) ABET accredited B.S. degree in engineering;  
    		(2) ABET accredited B.S. degree in engineering technology in a branch of engineering listed in 12 AAC 36.990(17);  
    		(3) master's degree in engineering acceptable to the board in a branch of engineering identical or substantially similar to a branch listed in 12 AAC 36.990(17);  
    		(4) doctorate degree in engineering acceptable to the board in a branch of  engineering identical or substantially similar to a branch listed in 12 AAC 36.990(17);  
    		(5) non-ABET accredited B.S. degree in engineering.  





12 AAC 36.063
AS 08.48.101 AS 08.48.171
Eff. 9/30/78, Register 67; am 6/29/84, Register 90; am 8/13/87, Register 103; am 6/3/89, Register 110; am 3/16/96, Register 137; am 11/20/99, Register 152; am 3/8/2001, Register 157; am 9/11/2004, Register 171; am 10/29/2009, Register 192