Section 12.36.100. Content of examinations.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An applicant for registration must pass the appropriate examinations designated in this section.  
    	(b)  Unless an applicant is registered by comity under AS 08.48.191(a), an applicant for architect registration must pass the NCARB Architect Registration Examination (ARE).  
    	(c)  An applicant for registration as an engineer must pass the NCEES Principles and Practices of Engineering Examination for the branch of engineering for which the applicant has applied. This subsection applies to an applicant for registration by examination and to an applicant for registration by comity.  
    	(d)  Unless an applicant is registered by comity under AS 08.48.191(c), an applicant for registration as a land surveyor must pass the professional land surveyor examination, that includes  
    		(1) the NCEES Principles and Practices of Surveying; and  
    		(2) repealed 3/16/96;  
    		(3) a state examination covering laws, procedures, and practices concerning land surveying in Alaska.  
    	(e)  Unless an applicant is registered by comity under AS 08.48.191(d), an applicant for registration as a landscape architect must pass the CLARB Landscape Architectural Registration Examination (LARE). The administration and grading of the examination must have been conducted in accordance with CLARB's standards in effect at the time of examination. In place of passing the CLARB registration examination, a candidate for registration must satisfy one of the following:  
    		(1) successful completion before 1970 of a written examination in landscape architecture prepared by a CLARB member and ten years of experience in landscape architecture after licensure;  
    		(2) successful completion between January 1, 1970 and December 31, 1975 of a written examination prepared by a CLARB member;  
    		(3) successful completion of the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects' written examination, five years of experience in landscape architecture after licensure and satisfaction of the education and experience requirements;  
    		(4) successful completion of the California P.E.L.A., satisfaction of the licensure, education, and experience requirements, as well as successful completion of LARE, sections D and E, or the CLARB Reciprocity Validation Examination;  
    		(5) for an applicant initially licensed in British Columbia or Ontario without successfully completing the LARE, satisfaction of the following:  
    			(A) ten years of experience in landscape architecture, at least seven years of which must occur after licensure;  
    			(B) successful completion of the CLARB Reciprocity Validation Examination.  
    	(f)  In addition to meeting the applicable requirements of this section, an applicant for registration by examination, except an applicant for registration as a land surveyor, must pass the state written jurisprudence examination covering the applicable provisions of AS 08.48  and this chapter. The applicant must obtain a passing score of at least 90 percent on the examination. The examination is an open-book examination. The department will mail the examination and study materials to the applicant. Within 30 days after mailing, the applicant must return the completed examination to the department. If the applicant returns the completed examination by mail, the department will consider the postmark date to be the return date.  




AS 08.48.101 AS 08.48.171 AS 08.48.181 AS 08.48.191
Eff. 5/23/74, Register 50; am 6/3/89, Register 110; am 10/20/90, Register 116; am 3/16/96, Register 137; am 11/13/99, Register 152; am 8/19/2006, Register 179; am 7/12/2008, Register 187; am 7/19/2009, Register 191