Section 12.40.025. Lapsed physician licenses.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A physician license that has been lapsed for at least 60 days but less than one year will be reinstated if the applicant  
    		(1) submits a completed renewal application on a form provided by the department;   
    		(2) pays the applicable biennial license renewal fee established in 12 AAC 02.250(a);  
    		(3) submits proof of meeting the continuing medical education requirements in 12 AAC 40.200 - 12 AAC 40.220; and  
    		(4) receives clearance from the Federation of State Medical Boards and documentation of the clearance is sent directly to the division by that federation.  
    	(b)  A physician license that has been lapsed for at least one year  but less than five years will be reinstated if the applicant meets the requirements in (a)(2), (3), and (4) of this section and  
    		(1) submits a completed reinstatement application on a form provided by the department;  
    		(2) receives clearance from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and documentation of the clearance is sent directly to the division by the DEA;  
    		(3) arranges for verification of licensure to be sent directly to the division from each state other than Alaska where the applicant is or has been licensed as a physician;  
    		(4) is qualified for a license under AS 08.64.230 and is not disqualified by AS 08.64.240; and  
    		(5) arranges for a verification of hospital privileges to be sent directly to the division, from each hospital where the applicant has held privileges within the five years immediately before the date that the applicant signs the application form.  
    	(c)  Notwithstanding (a) and (b) of this section, the board may refuse to reinstate a physician license for the same reasons that it may impose disciplinary sanctions against a licensee under AS 08.64.326 and this chapter.  




AS 08.01.100 AS 08.64.100 AS 08.64.240
Eff. 8/20/87, Register 103; am 5/16/98, Register 146; am 6/15/2001, Register 158; am 7/25/2008, Register 187