Section 12.40.045. Courtesy license.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A courtesy license authorizes the holder to practice medicine, osteopathy, or podiatry for limited purposes recognized by the board in (b) of this section. A courtesy license does not authorize the holder to perform medical services outside the scope of the courtesy license issued under this section.  
    	(b)  For purposes of (a) of this section, the board will consider the following physicians to practice for limited purposes that qualify for the issuance of a courtesy license:  
    		(1) physicians who come to the state for the purpose of conducting a specialty clinic, if the patients do not pay or give a fee or other remuneration for the services provided;  
    		(2) out-of-state sports team physicians who accompany their team to the state for the duration of the team's presence in the state for the sporting activity and whose practice while in the state is limited to care of the applicant's team and visiting support staff personnel associated with the event;  
    		(3) physicians who are formally contracted by state agencies to conduct specialty clinics;  
    		(4) physicians who come to the state to provide emergency medical care or emergency mental health care if  
    			(A) the patients do not pay or give a fee or other remuneration; and  
    			(B) the services are provided as part of an organized response to a disaster emergency  
    				(i) that the governor has declared under AS 26.23.020; and  
    				(ii) in which extensive injuries or deaths have occurred;  
    		(5) physicians who will be working in a supervised hospital fellowship; and  
    		(6) physicians who are coming into the state accompanying an employer-patient for the duration of the employer-patient's visit to the state and whose practice while in the state is limited to care of the employer-patient and accompanying family and staff.  
    	(c)  If a courtesy license is issued under (b)(5) of this section, the supervising physician shall notify the board in writing of any termination of or change to the supervisory relationship with the courtesy license holder. The supervising physician's responsibility continues until the board receives the written notice of termination or change.  
    	(d)  The board will issue a courtesy license to an applicant who  
    		(1) submits a complete application on a form provided by the department;  
    		(2) pays the application and licensing fees established in 12 AAC 02.250;  
    		(3) submits verification, to the board's satisfaction, of a current license to practice medicine in good standing and not under investigation in the state or territory, or a province of Canada in which the applicant resides;  
    		(4) submits curriculum vitae;  
    		(5) describes, to the board's satisfaction, the circumstances under which the applicant will be practicing, including the name and license number of the supervising physician if the applicant is working in a supervised hospital fellowship;  
    		(6) describes the scope of medical practice required to perform the duties for which the courtesy license is issued; the description must include the practice location, duration of practice, and patient population to be seen; the applicant must demonstrate, to the board's satisfaction, that the scope of medical practice is for a limited purpose set out in (b) of this section;  
    		(7) submits a signed, notarized authorization for the release of records;  
    		(8) submits a certified true copy of an accredited medical school diploma;  
    		(9) submits a certified true copy of all accredited postgraduate training certificates;  
    		(10) submits a certified true copy of an American Board of Medical Specialties member board certificate; this requirement may be waived by the board if the courtesy license is intended to be used for a fellowship; and  
    		(11) submits a Federation of State Medical Boards's Board Action Data Bank clearance report.  
    	(e)  A courtesy license is valid only for the shorter of the following periods:  
    		(1) the duration of the activity as listed in (b) of this section;  
    		(2) a period not to exceed  
    			(A) one year after the date the courtesy license is issued under (b)(1) - (b)(3) or (b)(5) - (b)(6) of this section; or  
    			(B) 90 days after the date the courtesy license is issued under (b)(4) of this section.  
    	(f)  A courtesy license holder is subject to all relevant provisions of AS 08.64,  this chapter, and any other statutes or regulations governing the practice of medicine and the prescription of drugs in this state.  
    	(g)  A courtesy license holder may not use a courtesy license  
    		(1) for purposes of locum tenens coverage;  
    		(2) to serve in place of a temporary license; or  
    		(3) for purposes of employment consideration.  
    	(h)  Notwithstanding (a), (b), or (d) of this section, the board may refuse to issue a courtesy license for the same reasons that it may impose disciplinary sanctions against a licensee under AS 08.64.326.  





12 AAC 40.058
AS 08.01.062 AS 08.64.100 AS 08.64.240
Eff. 5/1/94, Register 130; am 8/9/95, Register 135; am 12/18/2001, Register 160