Section 12.40.325. Internship requirements.  

Latest version.
  • An internship for a mobile intensive care paramedic must meet the following requirements:  
    		(1) all procedures performed by an intern must be under the direct supervision of a physician sponsor or another physician, physician assistant, registered nurse, or mobile intensive care paramedic, licensed or certified in the state where the internship takes place, who has been designated the responsibility of supervision by the physician sponsor;  
    		(2) the successful completion of the internship must be verified, on a form approved by the board, by the physician sponsor, attesting that the mobile intensive care paramedic intern is capable of performing the activities listed in 12 AAC 40.370(a) including any other specific emergency procedures authorized by the physician sponsor under 12 AAC 40.370(a)(8); and  
    		(3) verification from the supervising physician of the successful completion of 20 twenty-four hour shifts, or the equivalent number of hours, completed at a location approved in advance by the board.  




AS 08.64.100 AS 08.64.107
Eff. 5/11/85, Register 94