Section 12.40.360. Grounds for suspension, revocation or refusal to issue a license.  

Latest version.
  • The board, after compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act (AS 44.62), will, in its discretion, revoke, suspend, or refuse to issue a license for  
    		(1) fraud or deceit in obtaining a license required by this chapter;  
    		(2) habitual abuse of alcoholic beverages or depressants, or illegal use of hallucinogenic or stimulant drugs as defined by AS 17.12.150(3) or the use of narcotic drugs as defined by AS 17.10.230(13);  
    		(3) violation of the Controlled Substances Act (PL 91-513; 84 Stat. 1242) or any other federal law pertaining to medical practice and drugs;  
    		(4) gross misconduct by a licensee in the performance of his or her duties as a mobile intensive care paramedic which tends to endanger life or limb;  
    		(5) practice beyond the scope authorized by the sponsor physician;  
    		(6) practice without physician sponsorship.  




AS 08.64.100 AS 08.64.107
Eff. 1/13/80, Register 73; am 8/24/90, Register 115