Article 12.44.4. Advanced Nurse Practitioner.  

Section 12.44.322. Nurse-midwife(Repealed).
Section 12.44.330. License renewal(Repealed).
Section 12.44.340. Reinstatement of a suspended license(Repealed).
Section 12.44.350. Reinstatement of a revoked license(Repealed).
Section 12.44.360. Change of name(Repealed).
Section 12.44.370. Definitions(Repealed).
Section 12.44.380. Advanced nurse practitioner role and population focus.
Section 12.44.400. Requirements for initial authorization.
Section 12.44.410. Collaborative relationship(Repealed).
Section 12.44.420. Recognized certification bodies.
Section 12.44.430. Scope of practice.
Section 12.44.435. Advanced nurse practitioner in remote location(Repealed).
Section 12.44.440. Prescriptive authority.
Section 12.44.445. Controlled substance prescriptive and dispensing authority.
Section 12.44.447. Advanced nurse practitioner dispensing standards.
Section 12.44.450. Temporary and nonrenewable advanced nurse practitioner permits.
Section 12.44.460. Preceptorships.
Section 12.44.465. Identification.
Section 12.44.470. Renewal of advanced nurse practitioner authorization.
Section 12.44.475. Reinstatement of a lapsed authorization.
Section 12.44.480. Unprofessional conduct(Repealed).
Section 12.44.490. Applicability.