Section 12.44.880. Reinstatement of revoked certification.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  If the board revokes or suspends an individual's certification as a nurse aide, at least one year after revocation or suspension of that certification, the nurse aide may apply to be board in writing for reinstatement of the certification. The board will, in its discretion, reinstate a certification if the board determines that the nurse aide has established that the nurse aide is competent to resume nurse aide duties with skill and safety, considering the reasons for the revocation or suspension.  
    	(b)  The board will, in its discretion, require a nurse aide seeking reinstatement to work in a supervised relationship, approved by the board, for a probationary period of time, as a condition of reinstatement. If directed by the board, the nurse aide must provide a written evaluation from the supervisor regarding the nurse aide's performance. The board will, in its discretion, use the evaluation to determine whether to reinstate the nurse aide's certification.  




AS 08.68.100 AS 08.68.331 AS 08.68.334
Eff. 2/14/99, Register 149