Section 12.46.070. Application for license renewal.  

Latest version.
  • A licensee applying for renewal of a nursing home administrator license shall submit to the department  
    		(1) a completed license renewal application form;  
    		(2) proof of continued competence consisting of a signed statement completed by the licensee, on a form provided by the department, responding to questions about any violations of the licensee of the provisions of AS 08.70.155 and providing an explanation of those responses that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the licensee is fit to practice as a nursing home administrator; and  
    		(3) the biennial license renewal fee established in 12 AAC 02.290.  




AS 08.70.050 AS 08.70.155
Eff. 5/13/77, Register 62; am 7/22/82, Register 83; am 8/17/97, Register 143