Section 12.70.100. Application for general real estate appraiser certification by examination.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The board will issue a certification by examination to practice as a general real estate appraiser to an applicant who meets the requirements of AS 08.87.110(a) and this section.  
    	(b)  An applicant for certification under this section must  
    		(1) submit a completed application, on a form provided by the department; the completed application must include  
    			(A) the personal identification information requested on the form;  
    			(B) official transcripts, notarized copies of certificates of completion, or other evidence of course completion acceptable to the board, that verify the classroom hours of instruction required in 12 AAC 70.115(a) or (b), as applicable;  
    			(C) work experience verification forms and a log of completed appraisals, on a form provided by the department, that meet the requirements of 12 AAC 70.110 and that verify the real estate appraisal experience required in 12 AAC 70.108(a); and  
    			(D) subject to the penalties of unsworn falsification as defined in AS 11.56.210, a list of crimes described in AS 08.87.110 and AS 08.87.210 for which the applicant has been convicted; and  
    		(2) pay any fees required in 12 AAC 02.370.  




AS 08.87.020 AS 08.87.110 Editor's note: Amendments to 12 AAC 70.100 took effect on 12/13/94 as an emergency regulation and were published in Register 133, April 1995. Due to technical corrections made by the regulations attorney to the emergency language of 12 AAC 70.100, the permanent regulation as it was published in Register 134, July 1995 differed from the emergency regulation even though the section's history note did not reflect an amendment to that section.
Eff. 7/16/92, Register 123; am 12/13/94, Register 133; am 6/28/2015, Register 214

