Section 12.75.265. Guide use area boundary changes.

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The board may propose to amend guide use area boundaries  
    		(1) on its own motion;  
    		(2) upon the recommendation of the Department of Fish and Game; or  
    		(3) in response to a petition from another person.  
    	(b)  At least 90 days before the date of a board meeting at which guide use area boundaries changes are proposed, the department will publish, in a newspaper of general circulation, a notice soliciting petitions to propose amendments to guide use area boundaries. To be considered for proposal by the board at the board's next meeting, a petition must be received by the department no later than 60 days after the notice is published.   
    	(c)  If the board proposes to amend guide use area boundaries, the board will mail notice of the proposed amendment to  
    		(1) each registered guide-outfitter with a valid license who is registered for a guide use area the boundaries of which are proposed for amendment;  
    		(2) the Department of Natural Resources;  
    		(3) the Department of Fish and Game; and  
    		(4) the Department of Public Safety.  
    	(d)  The board may amend guide use area boundaries after considering whether  
    		(1) the Department of Fish and Game objects to the proposed amendment; and  
    		(2) amendment of existing guide use area boundaries is necessary in order to respond to   
    			(A) big game conservation and management concerns, including  
    				(i) abundance and diversity of big game;  
    				(ii) the historical harvest of big game in an area; and  
    				(iii) existing administrative boundaries established for wildlife management purposes;  
    			(B) law enforcement concerns;  
    			(C) land ownership in an area;  
    			(D) administrative restrictions;  
    			(E) the existence of boundaries that can be readily identified in the field;  
    			(F) the accessibility of an area and other transportation considerations;  
    			(G) the existence of complementary and noncomplementary land uses within an area;  
    			(H) recommendations of the Department of Natural Resources;  
    			(I) the existing facilities within the area;  
    			(J) any public comment received; and  
    			(K) other considerations relevant to the drawing of guide use area boundaries.  




AS 08.54.600 AS 08.54.750
Eff. 11/24/2007, Register 184