Section 12.76.310. Determination of good character.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of determining good character required under AS 08.76  of an applicant or licensee, the department will consider  
    		(1) one or more of the following to constitute a lack of good character:  
    			(A) conviction of, entry of a plea of guilty to, entry of a plea of no contest to, or having adjudication withheld for a felony or for a misdemeanor involving dishonesty;  
    			(B) conduct that reasonably may be viewed as adversely reflecting on the applicant's or licensee's fitness, ability, or willingness to perform the duties of a pawnbroker in accordance with AS 08.76  and this chapter;  
    			(C) a prohibition under federal or state law on possession of firearms by the applicant or licensee; and  
    		(2) whether the applicant or licensee engages in conduct reflecting dishonesty; for purposes of this paragraph, conduct reflecting dishonesty includes  
    			(A) false statements, fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation; and  
    			(B) conduct in the licensing application or licensing renewal process that reflects dishonesty.  




AS 08.76.100 AS 08.76.110 AS 08.76.140 AS 08.76.440 AS 08.76.450 AS 08.76.470
Eff. 7/1/2011, Register 198