Section 13.02.425. Riding on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A person driving a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle shall ride on the permanent seat attached to the motorcycle, astride the seat and facing forward.  
    	(b)  No person driving a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle may carry another person, nor may another person ride on a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle, unless the vehicle has a permanent seat designed to carry more than one person and is firmly attached to the vehicle. No passenger may ride in a position that will interfere with the driving or control of a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle or the view of the driver.  
    	(c)  A person driving a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle must keep both hands on the handlebars of the vehicle.  
    	(d)  No person riding a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle may attach himself or the vehicle to another vehicle on the roadway, except as necessitated by an emergency or as designed by the manufacturer of the motorcycle for the attachment of a sidecar or other vehicle.  




AS 28.05.011
Eff. 6/28/79, Register 70