Section 13.67.005. Purpose and scope of civilian process server regulations.  

Latest version.
  • In accordance with AS 22.20,  it is the duty of the commissioner of public safety to provide for the proper service of process issued by the supreme court and all lower state courts. The supreme court, in Rule 11(b) of the Rules of Administration, Rules 4(c)(3) and 45 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, and Rule 17 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure, has specifically provided that process may be served by private persons appointed or designated by the commissioner. A civilian process server is a private person who, by virtue of holding a license issued under this chapter, may serve process under AS 22.20.120. The provisions of 13 AAC 67.010 - 13 AAC 67.990 address the application and licensing requirements, disciplinary guidelines, and standards of professional conduct that the commissioner finds are necessary to assure that the civilian service of process is done in accordance with the rules of the supreme court and in a manner that protects the public.  




AS 22.20.100 AS 22.20.110 AS 22.20.120
Eff. 11/11/92, Register 124