Section 13.90.020. Governing body.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The governing body of each grantee shall  
    		(1) have written documentation of its source of authority, through charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, as appropriate;  
    		(2) meet at least quarterly and keep minutes of all meetings;  
    		(3) appoint an executive director, and designate, in writing, the director's authority, which must include responsibility for the daily operation and administration of the program;  
    		(4) reflect representation of community concerns and interests by adopting and implementing a policy to recruit members of populations which are targeted for program services, particularly Alaska Native and other ethnic or racial populations;  
    		(5) approve, in writing, all documents of the grantee that establish policy, including personnel policies, budgets, budget revisions, and the accounting manual;  
    		(6) conduct open meetings; however, if excepted subjects are to be discussed at a meeting, the meeting must first be convened as a public meeting and the question of holding an executive session to discuss any of the following matters must be determined by a majority vote of the governing body; the only excepted subjects that may be discussed in an executive session are:  
    			(A) matters, the immediate knowledge of which would clearly have an adverse effect upon the finances of the grantee;  
    			(B) subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of any person; however, the person may request a public discussion;  
    			(C) matters which, by law, municipal charter, or ordinance, are required to be confidential; and  
    		(7) direct the grantee's planning process; the governing body shall develop statements of philosophy of service delivery, mission, and goals and objectives; the goals and objectives must be reviewed annually.  
    	(b)  The governing body must represent community concerns and interests by consisting of members that reside in the program's service area.  




AS 18.66.050
Eff. 9/22/84, Register 91