Section 13.90.030. Planning process.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A grantee shall have a planning process that includes  
    		(1) communication and coordination of the planning process with the council and other domestic violence or sexual assault programs that serve the same populations;  
    		(2) identification of resources within the service area that provide the same, similar, and supplementary services;  
    		(3) assessment of the service needs of the populations to be served;  
    		(4) consideration of the characteristics, needs, and distribution of the populations to be served; and  
    		(5) a written description of each service provided by the program and a statement of how each service relates to identified needs of the populations to be served.  
    	(b)  Consideration under (a)(4) of this section of the characteristics and needs of the populations to be served includes consideration of a group's culture, heritage, traditions, and language, and must be documented.  
    	(c)  A grantee shall develop and implement a written policy outlining the basic procedures under which the provisions of (a) and (b) of this section are implemented.  





13 AAC 90.130
AS 18.66.050
Eff. 9/22/84, Register 91; am 7/1/91, Register 118