Section 13.90.140. Shelters.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A shelter must provide each resident with access to  
    		(1) the minimum necessities, including bedding, clothing, articles for grooming and personal hygiene, and nutritional food; and  
    		(2) a telephone, in accordance with a written policy that promotes confidentiality and safety of residents.  
    	(b)  A shelter must be staffed by paid staff or a trained volunteer 24 hours per day, seven days per week, if one or more victims reside in the shelter. Shelter staff and volunteers must have at least eight hours of basic first aid training, which includes training in CPR and knowledge of the facility's emergency procedures.  
    	(c)  There must be written procedures for the shelter for meeting potential emergencies such as fire, natural disasters, physical illness, and threats of physical injury. These procedures and emergency telephone numbers must be posted in prominent places in the shelter, and the procedures made known to staff, volunteers, clients, and if applicable, law enforcement officers. The emergency procedures must include  
    		(1) assignments of tasks and responsibilities;  
    		(2) instructions for the use of alarm systems, emergency equipment and notification of authorities;  
    		(3) specification of escape routes in case of fire or natural disaster; and  
    		(4) coordination with law enforcement agencies for emergency plans regarding intruders and with fire departments for emergency plans for fire or natural disasters.  
    	(d)  There must be locks on windows and doors of the shelter to prevent entry by intruders.  
    	(e)  There must be policies for the storage of medicines belonging to residents of the shelter that assure that the medicines are not accessible to children or unauthorized adults.  
    	(f)  There must be a written plan for services to children in the shelter, including coordination with schools to minimize disruption to children.  
    	(g)  Orientation must be provided to all clients of the shelter, to inform them of the requirement for nonviolent behavior by children and adults while in the shelter.  





13 AAC 90.010
AS 18.66.050
Eff. 9/22/84, Register 91