Section 13.95.165. Facilities costs.  

Latest version.
  • The following costs related to physical facility operations for the grant project are allowable:  
    		(1) the cost of rental or true lease of facilities and equipment, if it does not exceed the maximum fair market value;  
    		(2) the cost of utilities not included in the space rental cost;  
    		(3) telephone, postage, telegram, and other communication costs;  
    		(4) the cost of altering or renovating a building if  
    			(A) the grantee is not an individual;  
    			(B) the building has a usable life consistent with the objectives of the grant project, and is architecturally suitable for conversion;  
    			(C) the alteration or renovation allows the building to conform with federal law and regulations governing access by a person with a physical disability;  
    			(D) the grant project or part of the grant project will actually occupy the space involved;  
    			(E) the grantee secures a lease for the grant period if the grantee does not own the building; and  
    			(F) the amount budgeted or used for the alteration or renovation during a period of three consecutive fiscal years does not exceed the lesser of  
    				(i) $75,000; or  
    				(ii) 25 percent of the amount approved in the budget for direct costs for the three-year period.  




AS 18.66.050
Effective 7/1/95, Register 134