Section 15.112.215. Bidder preferences.  

Latest version.
  • Proposals submitted under 15 AAC 112.110 - 15 AAC 112.360 shall be evaluated to consider an Alaska bidder preference of five percent under AS 36.30.321(a), an Alaska products preference under AS 36.30.322 - 36.30.338, and a recycled products preference under AS 36.30.337. An Alaska bidder means a person who  
    		(1) holds a current Alaska business license;  
    		(2) submits a bid for goods, services, or construction under the name as appearing on the person's current Alaska business license;  
    		(3) has maintained a place of business within the state staffed by the bidder or an employee of the bidder for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of the bid;  
    		(4) is incorporated or qualified to do business under the laws of the state, is a sole proprietorship and the proprietor is a resident of the state, is a limited liability company organized under AS 10.50  and all members are residents of the state, or is a partnership under former AS 32.05. AS 32.06,  or AS 32.11  and all partners are residents of the state; and  
    		(5) if a joint venture, is composed entirely of ventures that qualify under (1) - (4) of this section.  




AS 36.30.015 AS 37.10.240 Editor's note: Even though the adoption of 15 AAC 112.215 was effective 5/21/2016, it was not published until Register 219, October 2016.
Eff. 5/21/2016, Register 219

