Section 17.42.399. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In 17 AAC 42.300 - 17 AAC 42.399, unless the context otherwise requires,  
    		(1) "innovative contracting" or "innovative contracting procedure" means a competitive procedure for awarding a lease, permit, or concession other than by sealed bid under 17 AAC 42.303 - 17 AAC 42.330, public auction under 17 AAC 42.333 - 17 AAC 42.351, or competitive proposal under 17 AAC 42.354 - 17 AAC 42.381;  
    		(2) "minor informalities" means matters of form rather than substance, errors the intent of which is evident from the bid document, or insignificant matters that have a negligible effect on price, quantity, quality, delivery, or contractual conditions and that can be waived or corrected without unfair prejudice to other bidders;  
    		(3) "nonresponsive" means a bid or proposal that does not conform in all material respects to the invitation to bid, auction documents, or request for proposals;  
    		(4) "responsive bidder" or "responsive proposer" mean a bidder or proposer who has submitted a bid or proposal that conforms in all material respects to the invitation to bid, auction documents, or request for proposals.   




AS 02.15.020 AS 02.15.060 AS 02.15.070 AS 02.15.090
Eff. 1/14/2001, Register 157