Section 17.42.510. Application, approval, and categories.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  To qualify for a tiedown permit, an individual must  
    		(1) hold a current sport, private, commercial, or airline transport pilot certificate appropriate for the category and class of aircraft listed on the tiedown permit;  
    		(2) hold a current FAA first, second, or third class airman's medical certificate or, for FAA certificated light-sport aircraft, a current driver's license issued by this or another state;  
    		(3) subject to 17 AAC 42.550(g), own or lease at least a one-third interest in an airworthy aircraft that  
    			(A) the individual intends to park in a tiedown space;  
    			(B) the individual lists in an application submitted under (d) of this section;  
    			(C) is not listed on a tiedown permit issued at the airport to a different individual; and  
    			(D) is not the only airworthy aircraft listed on another tiedown permit issued at the airport to the same individual.  
    	(b)  If an individual requests that more than one aircraft be listed on a permit, the individual must, together with any other permittee on the permit, hold a 100 percent ownership or leasehold interest in each listed aircraft.  
    	(c)  In addition to the requirements of (a) and (b) of this section, to qualify for a float space an individual's pilot certificate must show that the applicant holds a current seaplane rating.  
    	(d)  To obtain a tiedown permit, an individual must submit a completed application to the airport manager and pay the permit fee established under 17 AAC 42.125. The application must be on an airport form and, subject to 17 AAC 42.550(g), must include  
    		(1) the applicant's name, mailing address, and, if available, telephone and facsimile numbers and electronic mail address;  
    		(2) the make, model, and registration number of each aircraft that the applicant intends to park in the tiedown space;  
    		(3) whether the space is to be used for commercial or for strictly non-commercial purposes;  
    		(4) a copy of the applicant's sport, private, commercial, or airline transport pilot certificate;  
    		(5) a copy of the applicant's FAA first, second, or third class airman's medical certificate or, for FAA certificated light-sport aircraft, the applicant's current driver's license issued by this or another state;  
    		(6) a statement of the interest that the applicant owns or leases in each aircraft identified under (2) of this subsection, together with the name of and interest held by all other persons who own or lease an interest in that aircraft;  
    		(7) if the applicant leases an aircraft identified under (2) of this subsection, an original lease for the aircraft, which must be in writing, must bear the notarized signature of each party to the lease, and must include the expiration date of the lease;  
    		(8) if desired by a permittee who is not the sole owner of the aircraft identified under (2) of this subsection, a statement of the name, address, and telephone number of no more than two other pilots who the permittee wishes to have listed on the permit as co-owner pilots and who each also hold at least a one-third ownership or leasehold interest in that aircraft, along with the information required under (4) - (7) of this subsection for each such pilot; and  
    		(9) a notarized statement signed by the applicant that the information provided in the application is true and accurate and that the applicant has read and understands the provisions of 17 AAC 42.500 - 17 AAC 42.599 and understands that the airport manager will cancel the applicant's permit if the manager determines that the applicant  
    			(A) was not eligible for a permit on the date that the permit was issued, regardless of whether the applicant became eligible after that date;  
    			(B) is not eligible for a permit, regardless of whether the applicant was eligible on the date that the permit was issued; or  
    			(C) has failed to comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter or other applicable law.  
    	(e)  The airport manager shall approve an application for a permit unless  
    		(1) the applicant is not in compliance with the applicable requirements of 17 AAC 42.500 - 17 AAC 42.599;  
    		(2) the applicant does not hold a current pilot certificate as required under (a) of this section;  
    		(3) if the application is for a float space, the applicant's pilot certificate does not indicate that the applicant holds the seaplane rating required under (c) of this section;  
    		(4) the applicant does not hold a medical certificate or driver's license as required under (a) of this section;  
    		(5) the applicant does not own or lease the minimum interest in the aircraft listed on the application as required under (a) of this section;  
    		(6) the space is needed for airport expansion, development, operation, or other state purpose;  
    		(7) the application must be denied under 17 AAC 42.010(g);  
    		(8) the aircraft does not conform to the dimension, weight, use, or type limits the manager has established under 17 AAC 42.030 for the category of space for which the permit is sought;  
    		(9) approval of the application would result in the applicant exceeding the number of permits allowed the applicant under 17 AAC 42.525(b); or  
    		(10) no space is vacant and available in the category requested by the applicant.  
    	(f)  The airport manager's denial of an application must be in writing and state the reasons for the denial.  
    	(g)  The categories for permits under 17 AAC 42.500 - 17 AAC 42.599 are float permit, wheel permit, and ice permit.  
    	(h)  The categories for switch lists under 17 AAC 42.540 are float, wheel, and Lake Hood Strip.  
    	(i)  The categories for wait lists under 17 AAC 42.550 are float, wheel, and Lake Hood Strip.  
    	(j)  The airport manager may establish other categories of permits, switch lists, or wait lists if the manager determines that other categories are necessary.  




AS 02.15.020 AS 02.15.060 AS 02.15.070 AS 02.15.090
Eff. 1/14/2001, Register 157; am 12/8/2013, Register 208