Section 18.75.436. Response planning standards for crude oil pipelines.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  For a crude oil pipeline facility, the plan holder shall maintain or have available under contract within the plan holder's region of operation or another approved location, sufficient oil discharge containment, storage, transfer, and cleanup equipment, personnel, and other resources to  
    		(1) contain or control and clean up within 72 hours that portion of the response planning standard volume that enters open water; and  
    		(2) contain or control within 72 hours, and clean up within the shortest possible time consistent with minimizing damage to the environment, that portion of the response planning standard volume that enters a receiving environment other than open water.  
    	(b)  The response planning standard volume for a crude oil pipeline facility is the amount of oil which equals the length of the pipeline between pumping or receiving stations or valves (Lpl), minus the hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline due to terrain profile (Hpl), times the capacity of the pipeline in barrels per lineal measure (Cpl), plus the flow rate of the pipeline in barrels per time period (FRpl), multiplied by the estimated time to detect a spill event (TDpl), plus the time to shut down the pipeline pump or system (TSDpl). Written as a formula, the response planning standard is (Lpl - Hpl) * Cpl + FRpl * (TDpl + TSDpl).  
    	(c)  The department will, in its discretion, reduce the requirements of (b) of this section, by a percentage up to that shown, for each of the following prevention measures in place at the facility:  
    		(1) alcohol and drug testing of key personnel: 5 percent;  
    		(2) an operations training program with a professional organization or federal certification or licensing of program participants: 5 percent;  
    		(3) on-line leak detection systems: 5 percent;  
    		(4) corrosion control using  
    			(A) ultrasonic thickness meters: 15 percent;  
    			(B) instrumented in-line cleaning and diagnostic equipment ("smart pigs"): 15 percent; or  
    			(C) a method described in (A) or (B) of this paragraph, coupled with cathodic-profile inspection at least triennially: 30 percent; and  
    		(5) underwater pipeline cathodic- and burial-profile inspection: 5 percent.  




AS 46.03.020 AS 46.04.030 AS 46.04.070
Eff. 5/14/92, Register 122