Section 2.07.020. Allocation of positions.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The director shall allocate all existing and new positions in the classified service and the partially exempt service to classes.  
    	(b)  An appointing authority requesting allocation action for a new or existing position shall provide the director with a written or electronic description of the duties, responsibilities and authority to be assigned the position, a staffing chart, and other information as the director may require. The appointing authority requesting an allocation will certify that money is available to pay for the position.   





2 AAC 07.041
AS 39.25.070 AS 39.25.140 AS 39.25.150 Editor's note: Even though the amendment of 2 AAC 07.020(b) was effective 7/22/2004, it was not published until Register 175, Oct. 2005. Even though the amendment of 2 AAC 07.020(b) was effective 9/22/2004, it was not published until Register 175, Oct., 2005.
In effect before 6/28/84; am 6/28/84, Register 91; am 7/22/2004, Register 175; am 9/22/2004, Register 175

