Section 2.07.195. Provisional appointments.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  When authorized by the director in the absence of at least five qualified applicants, a provisional appointment of a qualified person may be made to fill a vacant position. The provisional appointment must be terminated upon the employee's competition for and appointment to the position or at the expiration of six months, whichever occurs first. When the director's evaluation of the response to an announcement of the vacancy indicates it to be in the best interests of the state service, the director may authorize the extension of a provisional appointment beyond six months.  
    	(b)  The appointing authority making a provisional appointment shall provide the director with a statement of the employee's qualifications.  
    	(c)  No person may receive more than one provisional appointment to the same position or serve in the position beyond the length of the probationary period.  
    	(d)  A provisionally appointed employee does not accrue seniority as a result of a provisional appointment except for the continuance of seniority in a lower class, unless the appointment later becomes a permanent appointment.  





2 AAC 07.270
AS 39.25.070 AS 39.25.140 AS 39.25.150
In effect before 6/28/84; am 6/28/84, Register 91; am 8/31/2000, Register 156