Section 2.07.420. Involuntary demotion.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An appointing authority may demote an employee for just cause to a lower class in the same class series or to another class series if the employee meets the minimum qualifications. The reasons for the demotion must be given to the employee in writing and a copy filed with the director. If the employee is placed in a new class in which the employee did not previously hold permanent status, the employee must serve a new probationary period.  
    	(b)  In addition to the provisions in (a) of this section, an employee with permanent status who is serving a new probationary period may be returned without prior notice to the class in which the employee holds permanent status or the employee may be transferred under 2 AAC 07.260.  





2 AAC 07.345
AS 39.25.070 AS 39.25.140 AS 39.25.150 Editor's note: Even though the amendment of 2 AAC 07.420 was effective 7/22/2004, it was not published until Register 175, Oct. 2005. Even though the amendment of 2 AAC 07.420(b) was effective 9/22/2004, it was not published until Register 175, Oct. 2005.
In effect before 6/28/84; am 6/28/84, Register 91; am 7/22/2004, Register 175; am 9/22/2004, Register 175

