Section 2.12.290. Proposal discussions with individual offerors.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Offerors of proposals reasonably susceptible for award as determined in the evaluation conducted under 2 AAC 12.260 may be offered the opportunity to discuss their proposals with the procurement officer or evaluation committee at the discretion of the procurement officer. The procurement officer may limit discussions to specific sections of the proposals received or specific sections of the request for proposals. The opportunity for confidential discussions, if held, must be extended to all offerors submitting proposals deemed reasonably susceptible for award. Auction techniques that reveal one offeror's price to another, and disclosure of any information derived from competing proposals, are prohibited.  
    	(b)  Any oral modification of a proposal resulting from proposal discussions under (a) of this section shall be reduced to writing by the offeror.  
    	(c)  Following discussions, the procurement officer may set a date and time for the submission of best and final proposals. Best and final proposals may be submitted only once. However, the chief procurement officer or the head of a purchasing agency may make a written determination that it is in the state's best interest to conduct additional discussions or change the state's requirements and require another submission of best and final proposals. Otherwise, discussion of or changes in the best and final proposals may not be allowed before award. If an offeror does not submit a best and final proposal or a notice of withdrawal, the offeror's previous proposal is considered the offeror's best and final proposal.  
    	(d)  The evaluation of a proposal may be adjusted as a result of a discussion under this section. The conditions, terms, or price of the proposal may be altered or otherwise changed during the course of the discussions provided the changes are within the scope of the request for proposals. After best and final proposals are received, final evaluations will be conducted as described in 2 AAC 12.260.  




AS 36.30.040 AS 36.30.240
Eff. 1/1/88, Register 104; am 11/28/97, Register 144