Section 2.12.350. Architect, engineer, or land surveyor selection committee.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  If a contract for architect, engineer, or land surveying services is expected to exceed the dollar threshold for construction set out in 2 AAC 12.400(d), the chief procurement officer, commissioner of transportation and public facilities, or commissioner of natural resources, as appropriate, shall designate a minimum of three state employees or public officials to serve as members of an architect, engineer, and land surveying selection committee for that contract. The committee must consist of  
    		(1) a majority of registered persons if registration is required under AS 36.30.270(d), or, if registration is not required under AS 36.30.270(d), a majority of state employees who are well qualified in architecture, engineering, or land surveying, as appropriate; and  
    		(2) a procurement officer representing the purchasing agency requiring the services, and preferably qualified in architecture, engineering or land surveying, and other members as appropriate.  
    	(b)  The chief procurement officer, commissioner of transportation and public facilities, or commissioner of natural resources, as appropriate, shall designate one member to chair the committee and to negotiate a contract with the most qualified and suitable firm or person in accordance with AS 36.30.270.  




AS 36.30.040 AS 36.30.270
Eff. 1/1/88, Register 104; am 3/27/93, Register 125; am 4/25/97, Register 142; am 2/28/2014, Register 209