Section 2.12.970. Preliminary conference.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The arbitrator may schedule one or more preliminary conferences at the arbitrator's own initiative or at the request of a party. A panel shall designate one of its members to conduct preliminary conferences. Preliminary conferences may be conducted by telephone.  
    	(b)  At a preliminary conference, the arbitrator shall address any matters relating to scheduling and the future conduct of the case, including clarification of the claims, a schedule for the arbitration, motions, subpoenas, exchange of expert reports, discovery disputes, and any other preliminary matters raised by the parties.  
    	(c)  After the preliminary conference, requests to postpone a scheduled hearing may only be granted on a showing of good cause.   





2 AAC 12.987
AS 36.30.040 AS 36.30.870
Eff. 5/26/2004, Register 170