Section 2.12.972. Discovery and exchange of information.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  At the request of any party or at the arbitrator's own initiative, the arbitrator may direct the production of documents, the identification of witnesses to be called including the anticipated topics of testimony, and any other discovery that the arbitrator considers necessary or desirable.  
    	(b)  The arbitrator may direct the parties to prepare and file stipulations of uncontested facts.  
    	(c)  The arbitrator may not allow discovery  other than discovery allowed under AS 09.43.070, AS 36.30.629, and this section, except as ordered by the arbitrator in extraordinary cases and upon a clear showing that the interests of justice so require.  
    	(d)  The arbitrator shall rule on discovery disputes. The arbitrator may impose sanctions, including claim preclusion, if a party fails to comply with the arbitrator's discovery decisions.  
    	(e)  The arbitrator shall resolve discovery matters in a manner consistent with the expedited nature of arbitration.  





2 AAC 12.987
AS 36.30.040 AS 36.30.629 AS 36.30.870
Eff. 5/26/2004, Register 170