Section 2.35.350. Temporary employment not creditable.  

Latest version.
  • An employment segment which has been designated as a temporary or nonpermanent appointment, or an employment segment for which a person has been designated as a temporary or nonpermanent employee by the employer is not creditable under this system except for temporary employment claimed under AS 39.35.345, and temporary legislative employment claimed under AS 39.35.385(f) and 39.35.680(40). For purposes of AS 39.35,  Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) employees are, designated temporary employees.  




AS 39.35.003 AS 39.35.345 AS 39.35.680 Editor's note: Effective 7/20/2006, Register 179, the Department of Administration readopted 2 AAC 35.350, without change, to affirm the validity of that section following statutory amendments made in ch. 9, FSSLA 2005. Chapter 9, FSSLA 2005 eliminated the Public Employees' Retirement Board, and largely transferred the board's authority to adopt regulations in 2 AAC 35 to the commissioner of administration.
In effect before 10/21/83, Register 93; readopt 7/20/2006, Register 179

