Section 2.36.040. Notice of appeal rights.  

Latest version.
  • The division shall include with any final decision by the administrator, and the commissioner of administration shall include with any decision regarding a request for a waiver of an adjustment under AS 14.25.175, an outline of the procedures for filing an appeal of the decision and the notice of appeal form necessary to initiate the appeal. The outline or notice shall include a statement that the appellant has a right to counsel at appellant's cost in the appeal. A final decision of the administrator includes, a final determination of eligibility for benefits, a reduction in benefits, or the denial of a review of a decision by a division supervisor.  




AS 14.25.003 AS 14.25.175 Editor's note: Even though 2 AAC 36.040 was repealed and readopted effective 4/25/97, it was not published until Register 150, July 1999. Even though the 1998 amendment to 2 AAC 36.040 was effective 11/29/98, it was not published until Register 151, October 1999.
In effect before 10/21/83, Register 93; am 11/18/90, Register 122; am 4/25/97, Register 150; am 11/29/98, Register 151; am/readopt 7/20/2006, Register 179

