Section 2.36.255. Revokes a revocable disposition.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of AS 14.25.166(a) and in accordance with AS 13.12.804(a)(1)(A), a divorce, a dissolution of marriage, or an annulment of a marriage revokes a revocable disposition or appointment of property. If a member designates a spouse as a beneficiary and is subsequently divorced or a dissolution or annulment of the marriage is granted, the beneficiary designation is void unless the member, in writing after the divorce, dissolution, or annulment specifically affirms the former spouse as a beneficiary.  




AS 14.25.003 AS 14.25.166 Editor's note: Effective 7/20/2006, Register 179, the Department of Administration readopted 2 AAC 36.255, without change, to affirm the validity of that section following statutory amendments made in ch. 9, FSSLA 2005. Chapter 9, FSSLA 2005 eliminated the Teachers' Retirement Board, and largely transferred the board's authority to adopt regulations in 2 AAC 36 to the commissioner of administration.
Eff. 1/7/2001, Register 159; readopt 7/20/2006, Register 179

